These are the problems I have with this game:
5) cannot log in via Facebook. Instead, there is a blank window. Game claims to be 2 players, but it is not.
4) Gold bars are deducted without warning and for no good reason.
3) There is a terrible lack for available missions. The first difficult “Story” mission is what the idiot NPC calls “the square.” This mission is stupid hard not because of the numbers of hordes coming at you, but because the AI NPCs are so painfully stupid, they will not move out of danger, especially when the smasher is charging from a mile away. So if you cannot pass “the square” level, then you’re stuck losing gold bars in survival mode desperately trying to earn enough dollars to buy new gear, even though the game will not tell you that you are being billed for gold bars or why. Will this game eventually become unplayable? Fortunately I was able to get past “the square,” by some miracle because I cannot for the unlife of me remember how that happened.
2) Ghost zombies.
a) Intangible effects. They are either too far away for the sniper rifle or too close for the shotgun, but bullets phase right through them. My aim is not off. I know when my aim is off. When my aim is spot on, you only see dust behind their bodies, but their bodies take no damage. I’m not invincible; they shouldn’t be either.
b) Teleporters. They fall down out of the ceiling and appear on my radar, but they aren’t there until I turn around and then turn around again, and now they are all up in my face when they clearly weren’t there a split second ago. This is because of Ghost Zombie effect letter C:
c) Invisible zombies. They come out of the ceiling, but some common game glitch happens that they do not appear on the user interface. So they are hitting me and dealing damage, but they are invisible, and I cannot know if I can shoot them anyway because of letter A: Intangible effects.
d) Partial teleporters. Much more common than letter B, in fact the standard, is that the basic zombies have this idiotic range with their claws whereby I can swing an axe all day but be out of range to damage them, but if I am a mile within range of their claws, then I still take damage. My axe is longer than their hands! Let me kill them already!
e) Evelyn’s broken hearing. I hear a very loud “rrorgh!” coming out of only one side of my speaker, so I desperately look around to find the zombie next to me, but I slowly realize by comparing with the radar and gaining an actual visual that that zombie is a mile away. Then a zombie falls down out of the ceiling and drops a grate on the floor right the friggin’ next to my body…. NO sound effect whatsoever! So he’s just chewing at my health, and I’m like, “wha?! How’d he get there!?"
1) The game window/mechanics.
a) When I am out of ammo, the switch weapons wheel comes up, but I cannot do anything else until I remember to hit the space bar to make it go away. Yes, I know that I am out of ammo, but I cannot change weapons with the number keys until the confounding wheel goes away. I’m damaged by enemies every single time this happens. Please get rid of it.
b) The single worst part of this game that makes it near unplayable from the very beginning is that Full Screen mode is not truly a full screen. Because the aiming reticle resets when Evelyn is walking, the mouse cursor invisibly moves all over the screen, and when it comes in contact with the top Menu bar for the operating system, then the menu bar drops down in front of the game window, and then Evelyn no longer responds to any commands from my keyboard or mouse. There is no way to fix this, and she just dies. She is eaten alive by basic zombies in game because I have to reset the mouse cursor before she’ll respond again. This should not be happening. Make it a true full screen and lock the mouse cursor in place. It should not be this difficult.
MrWasabiNose about CKZ Origins, v2.0.0